Thank you for the opertunity to introduce Lakeshore Equipment Sales, Inc. We buy, sell, and lease CHEMICAL, PETROLEUM, ASPHALT, and other NON CODE tank trailers. We are located 30 miles east of Chicago in North West Indiana off Interstate 65 on 15th Ave. just north of 80/94 and south of 80/90. Read more...
- FEATUREDFeatured2250 E 15th Ave
Gary, Indiana - FEATUREDFeatured2250 E 15th Ave
Gary, IndianaThank you for this opportunity to introduce Lakeshore Truck Services, Inc to you. We are located 30 miles east of Chicago in North West Indiana off Interstate 65 on 15th Ave. just north of 80/94 and south of 80/90. Lakeshore Truck Services has been servicing the transportation industry since 1991. We service trucks and trailers and are certified to do HM inspections. Lakeshore Truck Services will get you Read more... - FEATUREDFeatured3830 W 4th Ave
Gary, IndianaWayne’s Tank & Trailer Repair Inc. is a U.S. DOT registered tank and trailer repair facility that is accredited with the National Board “R” stamp for complete barrel repairs. We also do complete stainless steel jacket repair or replacement, frame repair or replacement, all brake and suspension work, tandem alignments, annual inspections and HM183 testing. We keep a comprehensive tank/trailer Read more...