Company Focus 2017

Company Focus 2017

Company Focus 2017

Tell Your Company’s Unique Story 

 Tank Transport Trader Now Accepting Advertisers For Our Special Section

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 Company Focus 2017TANK TRANSPORT TRADER is again offering our Focus on Manufacturers, Vendors, Service Facilities and Tank Cleaning Facilities special section which will appear in our October 2017 issue to be distributed at National Tank Truck Carriers’ Tank Truck Week October 10-12, 2017 at the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center & New Orleans Marriott in New Orleans, Louisiana.

The FOCUS Section is a special section dedicated to helping you familiarize the liquid and dry bulk industry with the special products and services your business offers.

When you decide to participate you will be asked to provide the following information:
1. 400 word story on your company. (We can edit it.)
2. Pertinent corporate and personnel contact information.
3. Picture of personnel or facility.
4. Product line pictures and specifications.

We build the focus ad for you from your artwork, pictures and ad copy. (At your option you can send completed artwork) All of the full page advertisements will be uniform in layout design (sample enclosed) with a few modifications that you can make.

Included with the advertisement is a framed copy of the Focus ad which is perfect for display in your lobby or office. If you are participating at the NTTC show with booth space we will present your framed copy to you at your booth so that you may display it.

The advertising rate for this package is $3,095.00 USD net.

If you wish to participate in this special section your deadline is September 15, 2017. But don’t wait too long! Please let us know now if you plan to participate in this unique offering so we can get started preparing your company story and advertisement for this important issue.

Regular display advertising is, of course, available in the October issue as well

Please contact me if you would like to place a regular display advertisement

You can reach me at or contact below.

 Best Regards,

   Gary Hightower

Gary Hightower, Publisher – Tank Transport Trader

1011 W. Bluff St. – Fort Worth, Texas 76102-1810

Ph: 1-800-537-1320 / 817-338-0822 –

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