Tagged: DOT

US Department of Transportation (USDOT or DOT) News Archives

Tank Transport Trader presents the latest news from US Department of Transportation (USDOT or DOT), transportation regulations, transportation funding, united states transportation, fines & penalties – and more news for the transportation & liquid dry-bulk industry –

Tank Transport Trader – #1 Stop for the Liquid-Dry Bulk Industry – Since 1982 –
Truck Driver walking to truck at highway rest-stop, truck parking

Address Truck Parking Shortage

Trucking Law Enforcement Group Urges States to Address Truck Parking Shortage. ATAs’ Law Enforcement Advisory Board sent a letter to all 50 governors and state departments of transportation urging them to apply for…

Huge truck in the evening glow

Regulators Studying Speed Limiters

Regulators studying speed limiters using electronic engine devices in proposed rule. Federal regulators plan to propose setting a truck speed limit using electronic engine devices in a proposed rule anticipated in 2023. The FMCSA is…

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