Delve into the FMCSA autonomous truck study, an innovative approach to studying the integration of human drivers and autonomous systems in commercial vehicles. Learn about the potential benefits and challenges of this groundbreaking research.
Dive into the heart of the brokerage fraud epidemic plaguing the transportation industry, costing stakeholders $800M. Discover why urgent action and transparency are crucial for the future of the supply chain.
Discover the shocking reality of the ongoing trucking industry exodus. Learn how fuel prices and the freight spot market are driving small fleets out of the industry and what this means for the future.
Embark on a journey into the intricate debate surrounding the Truck Speed Limiter Rule, its potential impact on the trucking industry, and the public safety implications.
Discover the qualities and professional background of the new FMCSA head, Earl Adams Jr., and learn how his collaborative approach is expected to positively impact the trucking industry.
Discover the proposed changes to the FMCSA Safety Measurement System that aims to modernize and streamline safety assessments for carriers in the trucking industry.
Delve into truck drivers’ concerns 2023, as we discuss truck parking shortages, restroom access, and upcoming speed limiter regulations, along with the OOIDA’s efforts to address these issues.
New Legislation Unlikely for Truckers According to Experts What to expect from the US Congress and federal agencies in 2023 for trucking and other business industries? The next farm bill is the most significant...
FMCSA denies request for data. FMCSA once again denied a request from a group of carriers to expand the scope of drug clearinghouse results reported to include hair testing. Carriers represented by the Trucking Alliance asked…
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Big Event Happening in Sept!!
We would like to offer you the opportunity to be in our 2022 September Issue that will be distributed and available at NTTC’s 2022 Tank Truck Week September 18-21 in Houston, Texas!!!
This is the issue that your company wants to be in!!
– We will take the September issue with us to Tank Truck Week in Houston.
– The September issue also has a special section called Focus.
– It will highlight your company’s unique story.
– We have included more information on the Focus section.
— Don’t miss out on this opportunity and let it pass you by —
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