The International Brotherhood of Teamsters reject Yellow proposal for its One Yellow Corps LTL network overhaul, focusing on worker rights, job security, and analyzing the company’s financial position.
The ATRI drug testing policies survey aims to gather insights from carriers on how marijuana legalization could impact the trucking industry. Learn about the potential effects and carriers’ concerns in this comprehensive analysis.
Delve into truck drivers’ concerns 2023, as we discuss truck parking shortages, restroom access, and upcoming speed limiter regulations, along with the OOIDA’s efforts to address these issues.
A bipartisan bill introduced in the U.S. Senate would address problems with truck parking, authorizing $755 million in grant funding to expand commercial truck parking capacity. The Truck Parking Safety Improvement Act was introduced Dec. 1…
ATA surveys shows truck driver pay rising. Every data point was higher in the first survey of driver pay conducted by the research arm of the American Trucking Associations (ATA) since before the pandemic.
Business group opposes higher trucker pay. Legislation aimed at ensuring overtime pay for truckers is getting close scrutiny from a major shipper group that plans to fight hard against it if the bill starts to gain steam.
Fuel driving out truckers as survey shows rising cost of fuel present a mountainous climb to overcome for small carriers. Many small carriers who entered the trucking industry in 2020-21 are finding today’s challenges too
Aging Drivers Threaten Trucking. The trucking industry needs young blood. The ATA estimates the U.S. is 80,000 truckers short of where it needs to be, it has a lot to do with an aging workforce…
Coercion claims by drivers could easily break record in 2022. The latest data compiled by the federal government reveals that complaints of coercion filed by truck drivers could easily break record in 2022.
Schneider will become the first truckload carrier to conduct a trial deployment of “lifesaving technology” developed through the Driver Alcohol Detection System for Safety (DADSS) program, a public-private partnership between the world’s leading automakers and the U.S. DOT’s NHTSA to…
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– The September issue also has a special section called Focus.
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