Every year, the American Transportation Research Institute (ATRI) releases a survey that identifies the U.S. trucking industry ‘s most pressing issues, in addition to strategies on how to deal with these dilemmas…
Drivers are feeling the effects of reduced flexibility from the electronic logging device mandate and are spending more time searching for and worrying about parking, according to a report from Trucker Path. Trucker Path found…
There is some good news regarding an issue that has been vexing truck drivers for the past several years: Federal funding has created an eight-state initiative to begin tackling the nation’s truck parking problems…
he National Tank Truck Carriers issued the following statement in response to the National Association of Truck Stop Operators’ new report, “Rest Area Commercialization and Truck Parking Capacity 2018.” The report updates a 2010...
While many are dreading the new electronic logging device (ELD) regulations coming later this year, there is some good news regarding another major issue that has been concerning truck drivers for the past several...
There is a high cost for not having enough safe places for commercial truck drivers to park and rest, according to a pilot study by Oregon State University (OSU). Over a seven-year period on...
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Big Event Happening in Sept!!
We would like to offer you the opportunity to be in our 2022 September Issue that will be distributed and available at NTTC’s 2022 Tank Truck Week September 18-21 in Houston, Texas!!!
This is the issue that your company wants to be in!!
– We will take the September issue with us to Tank Truck Week in Houston.
– The September issue also has a special section called Focus.
– It will highlight your company’s unique story.
– We have included more information on the Focus section.
— Don’t miss out on this opportunity and let it pass you by —
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