National Tank Truck Carriers (NTTC)

National Tank Truck Carriers (NTTC) has named two companies as the 2019 North American Safety Champions. They are Groendyke Transport Inc. of Enid, Okla., and Tandet Logistics Inc. of Oakville, Ontario.

Groendyke & Tandet Logistics – 2019 North American Safety Champions

These two carriers received their awards during NTTC’s 71st Annual Conference and Exhibits program at the Wynn Las Vegas in late April.

“Congratulations to both Groendyke and Tandet,” said NTTC Chairman John Whittington of Grammer Industries. “This year’s contest was particularly competitive across all mileage classes, so both carriers should be extremely proud of their companywide safety performance. With Heil’s continued support, we’re pleased to recognize these two carriers as best in class, which underscores the NTTC’s safety-based mission.”

Groendyke Transport - Tanker on CPCH Bridge, Groendyke Transport led the 40 to 90-million mileage category within the Harvison Division with an accident frequency of 0.462 accidents per million miles., National Tank Truck Carriers (NTTC) has named two companies as North American Safety Champions. They are Groendyke Transport Inc. of Enid, Okla., and Tandet Logistics Inc. of Oakville, Ontario.

About Groendyke Transport

Groendyke Transport is a privately held, family-owned company and an eight-time North American Safety Champion for best overall safety record. The company has 42 terminals in 15 states and services 49 states, Canada and Mexico.

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Tandet Logistics - Tank, In the Sutherland Division, Tandet Logistics is the champion in the 5 to 7-million miles class. Tandet’s accident frequency of .150 accidents per million miles was the winning mark in that category., National Tank Truck Carriers (NTTC) has named two companies as North American Safety Champions. They are Groendyke Transport Inc. of Enid, Okla., and Tandet Logistics Inc. of Oakville, Ontario.

About Tandet Logistics

Tandet Logistics is a division of the Tandet Group, a family owned and managed company that provides services in the transport, leasing, brokerage and power generation markets. The company operates within Canada and across the border delivering to and from all provinces and states in continental North America. Tandet has been recognized by NTTC as a Safety Contest Grand Award recipient in its mileage class six times since 2005.

“Heil Trailer is very proud to recognize these two winning motor carriers,’’ said Doug Chapple, chief executive of EnTrans International. “The two Heil trophies embody a commitment to safety and what is essential to our industry.”

The mileage divisions are named after the association’s first two and longest-serving presidents: Austin Sutherland (1945-1972) and his successor, Cliff Harvison (1972-2005). The mileage-based dividing line of the fleet size categories is 15 million miles.,NTTC North American Safety Award Winners Groendyke Transport and Tandet Logistics, National Tank Truck Carriers (NTTC) has named two companies as North American Safety Champions. They are Groendyke Transport Inc. of Enid, Okla., and Tandet Logistics Inc. of Oakville, Ontario.Mileage Divisions

The mileage divisions are named after the association’s first two and longest-serving presidents: Austin Sutherland (1945-1972) and his successor, Cliff Harvison (1972-2005). The mileage-based dividing line of the fleet size categories is 15 million miles.

Groendyke Transport led the 40 to 90-million mileage category within the Harvison Division with an accident frequency of 0.462 accidents per million miles.

In the Sutherland Division, Tandet Logistics is the champion in the 5 to 7-million miles class. Tandet’s accident frequency of .150 accidents per million miles was the winning mark in that category.

By winning their respective mileage classes, both motor carriers qualified as finalists. Mike Elmenhorst of Groendyke and Dave Herdman of Tandet Logistics will also be recognized as NTTC’s Safety Professionals of the Year at the Safety Awards banquet during the annual meeting of NTTC’s Tank Truck Safety and Security Council in June in Fort Lauderdale, Fla.

About NTTC

NTTC is a trade association representing more than 600 companies that specialize in bulk transportation services by cargo tank. The tank-truck industry generates about 6 percent of all truck freight revenue, but that represents nearly 30 percent of all truck freight in terms of tonnage due to the heavy nature of the liquid bulk products.

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