Carriers raising money for Ukraine

Trucking and Logistics Professionals for Ukraine, Carriers Raising Money For Ukraine

Carriers Raising Money For Ukraine – Trucking and Logistics Professionals for Ukraine has banded together to raise money to support the citizens of Ukraine who remain in the country during the military invasion by Russia.

A group of carriers and logistics companies has banded together to raise money to support the citizens of Ukraine who remain in the country during the military invasion by Russia. Dubbed Trucking and Logistics Professionals for Ukraine, the group of 16 companies contributed more than $300,000 in humanitarian aid in less than three days.

The fundraising began over the first weekend in March and quickly grew to the current amount.

“The people of Ukraine are currently in dire need of assistance, and we want to do everything in our power to bring humanitarian aid to them,” said Dominic Zastarskis, chief executive of GP Transco.

“We started by reaching out to the trucking companies near us in Illinois; with 16 companies currently on board, we are in talks with two dozen other companies in our industry. The people of Ukraine need our help. Contact GP Transco directly if you’d like to join us. We don’t have ties to Ukraine nor an office there — it just seems like the right thing to do.”

The group is asking other transportation and logistics professionals to join in. Interested parties can email GP Transco’s vice president of business development, Sergey Bort, at for further details. Participants are directed to donate directly to Save the Children, UNICEF the International Committee of the Red Cross.

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Trucking and Logistics Professionals for Ukraine, Carriers Raising Money For Ukraine

Carriers Raising Money For Ukraine – The group is asking other transportation and logistics professionals to join in.

Contributors giving between $10,000 to $50,000 each (listed in no particular order):

(from FreightWaves)

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