Tagged: TruckDrivers

Woman standing in front of semi-trucks

Program Helping Women Enter Trucking

Expediter Services (ES), a company providing capacity solutions and ownership opportunities within the trucking industry, announced that a collaborative program with Women In Trucking Association to create 150 women-owned businesses in transportation is now one…

National Truck Driver Appreciation Week 2018

NTTC Honors Truck Drivers

Leaders of National Tank Truck Carriers (NTTC), a major trade association for the nation’s trucking industry, expressed their support for truck drivers during last month’s “National Truck Driver Appreciation Week.’’

Trucks zooming on highway

Trucking in a ‘Tough Spot’

Trucking, the backbone of American commerce, is in a tough spot. There might be a future, a very long time from now, when long-haul drivers are replaced by fully self-driving vehicles. But today, trucking…

Tank Transport