America is facing a dire shortage of truck drivers. The causes include lack of competitive wages, a perception problem, demographic challenges, and technology that might soon make truckers obsolete. And now a new research study…
Expediter Services (ES), a company providing capacity solutions and ownership opportunities within the trucking industry, announced that a collaborative program with Women In Trucking Association to create 150 women-owned businesses in transportation is now one…
Age didn’t matter, they said. If Blocksom could get his “CDL’’ they would hire him for a $50,000 job. One even offered to pay his tuition for driver training school, but there was a catch…
Growth in the number of very small fleets, those with fewer than six trucks, has far outpaced growth in the number of larger carriers in recent years, according to data from Qualified Carriers (QC), a…
Leaders of National Tank Truck Carriers (NTTC), a major trade association for the nation’s trucking industry, expressed their support for truck drivers during last month’s “National Truck Driver Appreciation Week.’’
The Drive-Safe Act was introduced in Congress earlier this year to lower the age minimum to become a truck driver from 21 to 18. While industry leaders say the bill could help ease the truck driver…
Drivers are feeling the effects of reduced flexibility from the electronic logging device mandate and are spending more time searching for and worrying about parking, according to a report from Trucker Path. Trucker Path found…
Trucking, the backbone of American commerce, is in a tough spot. There might be a future, a very long time from now, when long-haul drivers are replaced by fully self-driving vehicles. But today, trucking…
Highway Transport, is celebrating 70 years with the launch of a special commemorative video. Highway Transport is experiencing growth, expansion in the southeastern US, and 75 new Mack Anthem trucks are being added to the fleet.
The tightest trucking market in years is testing the limits of an otherwise well-conditioned U.S. economic expansion. It’s also tinder for accelerating inflation should the capacity constraints spark moves by companies to pass on those higher delivery costs.
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This is the issue that your company wants to be in!!
– We will take the September issue with us to Tank Truck Week in Houston.
– The September issue also has a special section called Focus.
– It will highlight your company’s unique story.
– We have included more information on the Focus section.
— Don’t miss out on this opportunity and let it pass you by —
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