Truck Driver Retention Strategies: Positive Gains, 7 Powerful Insights
Discover impartial, data-driven Truck Driver Retention Strategies that focus on better compensation, home time, and emerging technology for increased driver satisfaction.
Discover impartial, data-driven Truck Driver Retention Strategies that focus on better compensation, home time, and emerging technology for increased driver satisfaction.
Discover the unprecedented 15.5% surge in truck driver pay growth in 2022 and the key pay trends shaping the trucking industry in 2023. Get the latest industry insights here.
Learn how owner-operators rising costs that they face in the trucking industry and explore 7 strategies to combat the impact of inflation, diesel prices, and supply chain issues.
ATA surveys shows truck driver pay rising. Every data point was higher in the first survey of driver pay conducted by the research arm of the American Trucking Associations (ATA) since before the pandemic.
Business group opposes higher trucker pay. Legislation aimed at ensuring overtime pay for truckers is getting close scrutiny from a major shipper group that plans to fight hard against it if the bill starts to gain steam.
Transport logistics provider United Road has expanded its guaranteed pay benefit to all company drivers so that first year, tenured and rehired drivers can all expect a level of financial assurance and can count on…
As carriers continue to try to attract drivers by enticing them with more pay, delays caused by disruptions in the supply chain that show no signs of letting up could be eating away at those…
Carbon Express, a Wharton, N.J.-based bulk chemical transporter, has raised driver pay a second time this year, company officials said in a press release. The company is also making profit-sharing distributions to drivers. Steve Rush…
Highway Transport, a bulk chemical transportation company, is implementing an immediate pay increase for drivers that will apply to both hourly and mileage pay across all 14 of the company’s service centers. The pay increase follows…
With trucking rates so high, companies are wrestling with the new reality that a driver doesn’t need to work a full schedule to pull in a decent salary, David Parker, chief executive of Covenant Logistics…
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