Tagged: ATRI

Tesla Semi driving 500 miles, fully loaded, on a single charge

Diesel Conversion ‘Daunting’

The prospect of converting the nation’s trucking fleet from diesel to battery-electric power in order to meet carbon emissions reduction goals presents several major challenges, according to newly released research. The American Transportation Research Institute…

Huge truck in the evening glow

Trucking Costs Rose Last Year

The total marginal cost of trucking grew by 12.7% in 2021 to $1.855 per mile, the highest on record, according to the American Transportation Research Institute’s (ATRI) 2022 update to “An Analysis of the Operational…

Trucks zooming on highway

Young Truckers Turning To Apps

Among truck drivers, the lack of available truck parking ranks as a top concern. To help location parking while on the road, many commercial truck drivers — especially younger ones – have turned to mobile apps…

Tank Transport