Bid to Lower Driver Age Stirring Debate
The Drive-Safe Act was introduced in Congress earlier this year to lower the age minimum to become a truck driver from 21 to 18. While industry leaders say the bill could help ease the truck driver…
The Drive-Safe Act was introduced in Congress earlier this year to lower the age minimum to become a truck driver from 21 to 18. While industry leaders say the bill could help ease the truck driver…
National Tank Truck Carriers (NTTC), the leading trade association for the U.S. tank-truck industry, recently submitted a letter to Federal Motor Carrier Safety Association (FMCSA) regarding a busness group’s attempt to be exempted from new Electronic Logging Devices (ELD) rules.
Repeal of Truck Tax .S. Sen. Cory Gardner (R-CO) has introduced a bill that would repeal the excise tax on heavy trucks and trailers. The bill, S. 3052, was introduced on June 12 and...
Are Teenage Truck Drivers the Answer to the Truck Driver Shortage? Trucking groups are backing legislation (DRIVE Safe Act) that would allow truck drivers younger than 21 years old to cross state borders to…
The nation’s ethanol industry is using the Trump administration’s decision to lift a ban on summer sales of E15 gasoline as an example of why ethanol should never be banned during summer months. Following...
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