Rail and Trucking Join Forces
Rail and trucking join forces to increase efficiencies via an increase in capacity and getting freight moving. It’s no secret the supply chain has been backed up, bottlenecked, scrambled, and …
Rail and trucking join forces to increase efficiencies via an increase in capacity and getting freight moving. It’s no secret the supply chain has been backed up, bottlenecked, scrambled, and …
J.B. Hunt Transport announced Jan it entered an agreement to acquire furniture hauler Zenith Freight Lines for $87 million. The deal is expected to bolster J.B. Hunt’s final-mile and furniture delivery network.
Expectations around long-term intermodal margins were the main topic at J.B. Hunt Transport Services’ appearance at the Citi 2021 Global Industrials Virtual Conference in February. John Roberts, the company’s president and chief executive, said management…
J.B. Hunt is further expanding its final-mile business with the purchase of Mass Movement, which specializes in logistics and delivery for the commercial fitness industry. “Mass Movement presents an opportunity to expand our expertise in…
America’s 21st-century economy rides on the back of a 21st-century intermodal network. Years in the making, this interconnected network of trucks, trains and cargo ships has turned competitors into collaborative partners, and benefited American consumers…
77 J.B. Hunt Truck Drivers Recognized for Safe Miles J.B. Hunt Transport Services Inc. of Lowell, Ark., one of the largest supply chain solutions providers in North America, recently recognized . The drivers, who...
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