Technology has been the cause of many changes within a number industries, ranging from self-driving cars, online payments and autonomous workers at factories and fast food restaurants. While there has been a lot of research…
Tesla, Otto and other companies have been developing driver-less vehicles for years, with Mercedez-Benz placing a semi-autonomous truck on the road in 2015. Tech leader and financiers alike are confident that self-driving trucks will become…
America is facing a dire shortage of truck drivers. The causes include lack of competitive wages, a perception problem, demographic challenges, and technology that might soon make truckers obsolete. And now a new research study…
TuSimple, a self-driving truck company, announced plans for further expansion in Tucson, AZ. The company has been testing its Level 4 Class 8 autonomous trucks in the state of Arizona for more than a year…
Uber is pulling the plug on its autonomous trucks, just four months after it demonstrated the vehicles shipping freight across Arizona. The ride-hailing firm has shifted plans dramatically ever since one of its autonomous cars…
A San Francisco, Calif., start-up called Embark completed a coast-to-coast test drive of its autonomous semi-truck, the company said last month. Embark hauled Electrolux refrigerators from Los Angeles to Jacksonville, Fla., in the test...
Elon Musk’s plans for the Tesla Semi are drawing skepticism in Europe, particularly from the consulting group Aurora Energy Research and the Financial Times. Aurora Energy Research was founded by Oxford University professors in...
Self-driving vehicles are expected to revolutionize transportation when they hit the roads in the future, but the technology could threaten thousands of jobs in communities across the nation, experts said. Elected leaders and development...
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– The September issue also has a special section called Focus.
– It will highlight your company’s unique story.
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— Don’t miss out on this opportunity and let it pass you by —
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