Garsite Progress LLC, an entity formed by AFI Partners, is pleased to announce the acquisition of Garsite and Progress Tank, U.S.-based manufacturers of aviation refueling and liquid waste transportation equipment. E.J. Antonio, Managing Partner of…
Groendyke Transport Inc. of Enid, Okla., and McKenzie Tank Lines Inc. (MTL) recently signed a purchase agreement for Groendyke to acquire all the tank-truck assets of MTL. The companies expect to close the deal by…
A sizeable shift is underway in the upper ranks of the nation’s tank-truck industry, with two long-time carriers joining forces to create a single footprint stretching across much of the nation. Heniff Holdco LLC has acquired Miller Transporters Inc…
Universal Logistics Holdings Inc. is acquiring Compton, Calif.-based Southern Counties Express Inc. for $65 million, company officials said. The acquisition is part of a move by Universal to expand it intermodal business. Southern Counties provides…
FleetPride recently reopened its Gillette, Wy. location and acquired the assets of Long Island Truck Parts, which is based in Medford, N.Y. The company’s Gillette branch serves customers in northeastern Wyoming, western South Dakota and…
Universal Trailer said it is selling its Cargo Group Division (UTC) – consisting of Haulmark, Wells Cargo and UltraLav trailer brands – to American Cargo Group, a new Indiana corporation owned by Kaufman Trailers. Kaufman is based in Lexington N.C.
UNIBLOC-PUMP acquires R&H, Germany Unibloc-Pump Inc. of Marietta, Ga., has acquired the German manufacturer R&H GmbH, the company said. Founded in 1984, Unibloc-Pump is a manufacturer of sanitary pumps, strainers and valves. “Our current…
Air-Flo Manufacturing of Elmira Heights, N.Y., is expanding its operations with the purchase of the 310,000-square-foot former Belden Connectivity facility in Horseheads, N.Y., according to the office of New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo. Once...
Tampa, Fla.-based Quala, one of North America’s leading industrial tank-container cleaning services, said it has acquired Alpha Technical Service’s (ATS) “Express Services” division. The division will now operate under the Quala brand. The Express...
Novi, Mich.-based Aria Energy recently announced it purchased a 50-percent interest in Mavrix LLC from BP and will work with the global oil and gas company to market and distribute renewable natural gas (RNG)...
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– The September issue also has a special section called Focus.
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