hen the price of oil collapsed in 2014 and disrupted drilling operations all across Texas’s massive Permian Basin shale formation, truckers were among those hardest hit. Rendered unnecessary by the slump in output, they...
Ozark Motor Lines Inc., a family-owned ground transportation services company based in Memphis, Tenn., has announced a new pay increase for its long haul and regional truck drivers as well as driving teams. “It’s…
Repeal of Truck Tax .S. Sen. Cory Gardner (R-CO) has introduced a bill that would repeal the excise tax on heavy trucks and trailers. The bill, S. 3052, was introduced on June 12 and...
Delays from ELDs may drive up grocery costs – Shoppers could see grocery prices rise because of a new federal mandate requiring most long-distance truckers to use electronic logging devices to keep track of their…
Are Teenage Truck Drivers the Answer to the Truck Driver Shortage? Trucking groups are backing legislation (DRIVE Safe Act) that would allow truck drivers younger than 21 years old to cross state borders to…
Alliance for Driver Safety & Security pushes for congressional passage of a new drug testing law The Alliance for Driver Safety & Security, also known as the Trucking Alliance, announced it will push for...
77 J.B. Hunt Truck Drivers Recognized for Safe Miles J.B. Hunt Transport Services Inc. of Lowell, Ark., one of the largest supply chain solutions providers in North America, recently recognized . The drivers, who...
Groendyke Enacts Truck Driver Pay Raise Groendyke Transport of Enid, Okla., has adopted what it says is the largest driver pay raise in the company’s history. Scheduled to take effect this month, the raise…
Driver shortage driving up food cost he truck driver shortage is beginning to slow the nation’s transportation chain and increase the cost of food, according to transportation and grocery officials. Trucks move about 70...
America Needs More Truck Drivers he trucking industry is facing a growing shortage of truck drivers that is pushing some retailers to delay nonessential shipments or pay high prices to get their goods delivered...
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This is the issue that your company wants to be in!!
– We will take the September issue with us to Tank Truck Week in Houston.
– The September issue also has a special section called Focus.
– It will highlight your company’s unique story.
– We have included more information on the Focus section.
— Don’t miss out on this opportunity and let it pass you by —
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