Tagged: TruckDrivers

Teletrac and McLeods partnership helps companies stay on top of their Hours of Service and remain federally compliant

FMCSA Updates Hours of Service Rule

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) on May 14 published a long-awaited final rule updating hours of service (HOS) rules for commercial motor vehicle drivers that offer the industry more flexibility. The final rule…

Truck Driver Spain, Lorry Driver

New Truck Drivers Likely to Drop

In April, 27 State Driver Licensing Agencies (SDLAs) were closed, along with most government offices, due to COVID-19 concerns. If someone wanted to obtain a commercial driver’s license (CDL) and join the trucking industry, or…

White House Honors Truck Drivers During Coronavirus

White House Honors Truck Drivers

Last month the White House honored truck drivers who continue to serve during the pandemic, calling them the “lifeblood of our economy.’’ “In the war against the virus, American truckers are the foot soldiers who…

Job Postings, Drivers Need To Sanitize Their Cabs

Drivers Need To Sanitize Their Cabs

According to officials at the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), just about every surface inside a truck’s cab, even the door handles and glad-hands, can transmit the COVID-19 virus. Even though CDC stresses that physical…

Truck Driver Spain, Lorry Driver

Recessions Often Draw Workers To Trucking

During previous recessions and regional downturns, trucking recruited workers laid off from other industries. That built freight supply just at the moment when aggregate demand was typically soft.
Consider what happened during two recent downturns…

For independent trucking operators, the largest chunk of their insurance costs is liability coverage, which pays for injuries and property damage from a wreck. For over-the-road drivers, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) requires

Truckers Liability Insurance Pinch

For independent trucking operators, the largest chunk of their insurance costs is liability coverage, which pays for injuries and property damage from a wreck. For over-the-road drivers, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) requires

3 Trucks Platooning, Years ago a trucker told me that if a fellow trucker was running low on fuel, he would ask to tailgate another truck. Sneaking along like this, tucked in out of the wind, would lower his fuel burn so he could get to the next fueling station. Whether this story was truth or tale, the concept -- tailgating to save fuel -- has been the subject of some intensive study in recent years. It is called platooning.

Fuel Savings by the Pack

by Carroll McCormick Years ago a trucker told me that if a fellow trucker was running low on fuel, he would ask to tailgate another truck. Sneaking along like this, tucked in out of...

Tank Transport