Tagged: USExports

Dairy Cow Sunset Photo by Erwan Hesry on Unsplash

Dairy Sector Thriving On Exports

A large portion of U.S. dairy is exported and, despite significant disruptions in trade last year, the United States exported nearly 2.4 million metric tons of dairy goods – a record-setting mark, according to data released…

LNG Cargo Tanker Ship

Glut Causing Uncertainty For LNG

U.S. liquefied natural gas (LNG) exporters could see cargo cancellations return this summer if the current supply glut cannot be alleviated by then, analysts said recently. According to IHS Markit, 2020 saw an estimated global…

Pharr-Reynosa International Bridge

Border Bridge Will See Major Expansion

Speeding up commercial truck traffic will be a priority when the Pharr-Reynosa International Bridge’s largest expansion project in history is completed in 2023, said Luis Bazán, general director of the South Texas bridge. The expansion…

Frozen Pipeline

Cold Snap Roiled Gas Market

The February cold snap that pushed liquefied natural gas (LNG) prices to record highs is also roiling liquid petroleum gas (LPG), leading to shortages of the gas that’s used for heating and cooking as well…

Tank Transport